Joerg K. Mueller


Dipl.-Kfm. (MBA)

As an experienced salesman and manager, in Germany as well as in the United States, I offer all the support and help to my clients that is needed to be successfull in Germany. Additionally, a great network and local partners will support you throughout your journey. 


1997 - 2017
Vecoplan AG

Authorized officer and 
member of the executive board
  • establishments of subsidiaries and sales partners
  • business development and marketing manager
since 2000
  • founder and CEO of Vecoplan LLC in North Carolina
  • president of the Vecoplan Holding Corp.
  • founder and CEO of Vecoplan Midwest in Indiana
since 2001
  • member of the executive board at the department for waste treatment and recycling within VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association)
since 2015
  • member of the executive board and treasurer at Ecoliance

1994 - 1997
Menningen II

Assistant to the managing partner
  • M&A
  • expansion from 17 to 31 locations within 4 years
  • product and logistics optimization

1993 - 1994
Zoeller Exhibition Construction

Assistant to the management


1987 - 1993
University in Munich & Siegen 

Business economics degree

focus areas:
  • company management
  • financing and funding
  • Diplom-Kaufmann (MBA)

1983 - 1987
German armed forces

Regular soldier
  • training as a military officer at the tank troops
final rank: 
  • first lieutenant and vice company commander
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